Monday, April 23, 2018

Making Connections: Neuron Connections, That Is

We have begun our QUEST of understanding things we cannot see - the inside of our bodies. 

We began with the study of the nervous system: the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system, and neurons. We made brain map hats and neuron necklaces. We're beginning to make the connections...

During our Friday afternoon Genius Hour, we had the choice to make brain maps and neurons using materials from the MakerSpace. Here's what we came up with:

Here's the entire nervous system made out of Model Magic.

A neuron on the left and a brain map on the right using Model Magic.
(It was Minion Day in honor of our Ms. Clarke, our second grade teacher.)

This is a neuron made out of chenille wires and beads. Note the dendrites and the axon. He made several of these and showed the synapses that occurs between the neurons as they make connections. 

We're beginning to understand but it still is a bit fuzzy. Perhaps we'll understand more as we study the five senses. We start with the sense of hearing.

The sound goes in here...
(Our ear canal model is a long one!)

...and ends up in the brain, going through the auditory NERVE.

We take a voyage into the ear to better understand all the working parts and how sound signals get to the brain. We don't have it entirely correct, but we're on our way. Click above or here to watch our video.

The nervous system is starting to make "sense"! 
Four more senses to go...stay tuned. 

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