Friday, May 4, 2018

A Hands-On Lesson On Bones

Dr. Jason Grassbaugh, an orthopedic surgeon at Madigan Army Medical Center, came and gave us an up close and personal, very hands-on experience with BROKEN BONES!

Getting ready for surgery includes x-rays and lead aprons. 

"Those x-rays look familiar," says Mrs. Towne.
 (Yes, she broke her arm and had a plate put in this year. PERFECT for a lesson on bones!) 

Students getting ready for surgery, including astronaut looking face masks in case there is any splashing. Everything has to be covered. 

A student/patient getting ready for surgery. Everything needs to be sterile. 

The antiseptic soap tickles!
 (And we learn later that the tape hurts when it is ripped off. Ouch!!!)

We learn the "nuts and bolts" of putting a rod on a broken bone. 

This poor puppy needs some sutures. 
Dr. Grassbaugh can tie a knot with one hand!

A fellow student needs a splint. 

The wrap goes around and around. Not too tight!

These broken arms are set and will take 3-6 weeks to heal. 

Dr. Grassbaugh's daughter is a great helper. 

Yes! Tons of really thoughtful, knowledgeable, insightful questions.

As usual, we are grateful for this unique opportunity to learn about bones from an expert in the field. Thank you, Dr. Grassbaugh, for coming and sharing your knowledge, your skill, and your passion to the first and second graders at Seabury School. 

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