Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Digestion: Models, Games, Experiments, Lab Reports, Fun!

Digestion starts in the mouth

Be sure to chew your carrots well.

Peristalsis of the esophagus

Who can swallow fastest?

Measuring 25 cc's of water for a stomach experiment

Mechanical digestion - squeezing and smashing the stomach
(saltine crackers, banana, and water)

Chemical digestion - adding lime soda

Our lab reports are becoming more and more detailed

Attaching the esophagus to his stomach which will be added to his model

Measuring 22 feet 

Rolling out the 22 feet of small intestines
Interesting side note: 
The question was asked, "What is this paper for?"
"Adding machines."
Quizzical look.

Stuffing 22 feet of small intestines into our guts!
We think they should be called long intestines!

Putting the human body systems all together!

Our models are complete.

Nervous system ✔

Skeletal system ✔

Muscular system ✔

Circulatory system ✔

Respiratory system ✔

Digestive system ✔

Life long learning ✔

Fun ✔

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