Saturday, January 15, 2022

Invention Quest #2: Discover Resourcefulness

 What if there were no toys? 

That was the question of the day. 

We started with one pipe cleaner. 

Could we make a toy out of it?

A toy person

A toy ring

A toy bracelet

What can you do with two pipe cleaners?

A handle for a book?

A jewelry container?

What if you had more than two pipe cleaners
 plus some some buttons and pop can tabs 
and any garbage you can find on the floor?

A fidget toy!

A math manipulative counting toy

We then read Galimoto, a book about children in Malawi who collect wires and odds and ends and make their own toys.

Galimoto: a Malawi word for car

The galimoto is steered from behind by the child.
The long wire is attached to the front axle. 

Children are ingenious!

What if there were no toys?

Gather some resources, use your ingenuity, and invent your own!

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