Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Operation Mars Landing Cargo Drop

The Navigators have been building a Mars Colony in our classroom using MakerSpace supplies. It is about 34 million miles away from Earth, give or take a few miles. What would it be like to live there? What if we needed something really important to live, like food, water, shelter, and air? How would we get it to Mars?

Just in case, we planned an Operation Mars Landing Cargo Drop.

Here are the particulars:

Mission: Drop a crucial, fragile cargo down to the Navigators' Mars Colony. 

Purpose: To potentially save our lives!

Background information: 


  • Dixie Cup (to hold the special cargo), various types of bubble wrap, pom poms, cotton stuffing, rubber bands, pipe cleaners, plastic bags, popsicle and craft sticks, paper, string.
What is the special cargo? A RAW EGG!

Test: Drop your Mars Landing Craft from our playground big toy without breaking the egg!

Supplies to choose from: a MakerSpace in our room

Did this design work? 
Yes! Lots of cotton padding did the trick.

 A double parachute? 

Yes, the double bubble wrap made a difference, too. 

How about this design?

Yes, the egg was not broken!

How about this design, with a parachute but no bubble wrap?
After going "back to the drawing board", 
and adding some cushion, this design worked, too.
We're all about learning from others 
and learning from our mistakes. 

This design used  unique landing gear made out of wood sticks. 

And it worked!

Navigators at home took on the STEM challenge, also, 
using recyclable items around their house. 

This one went waaaaaay up high. 
And it, too, kept the fragile cargo safe and secure.

So many great, innovative designs. 

We might not only survive on Mars, 
we might thrive!

Wanna join us?

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